Wednesday 23 March 2011

Modelli Folli

Today i visited Edinburgh with my best friend Tiina for some inspirational shopping. We are in the final stretch of our Uni year and with it comes our dreaded exam timetable. Amongst the stress, we decided we needed a day away from books, libraries, laptops and most importantly COURSEWORK! However, uni was still looming at the back of my mind and as the day progressed, with some help from Tiina, inspiration struck for my video shoot on friday (watch this space)

We laughed, ate chinese food and talked about all the things we do not have the chance to during our school day. I did not buy anything for my own personal use today but only props for Friday. So now as i write this blog i already dread the thought of returning to uni tomorrow. However, the best days are always the days spent with friends.

My inspirational purchase for my Fashion shoot on Friday....
Hope you are as excited to see it as i am!

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